Customer Provided Components in Manufacturing

Hi All,

We are a manufacturing company and our BOM components include parts provided by customers. We wanted to know how generic this scenario is for other manufacturing companies because we wanted to create a web form / web page where we can show the customer the items they have provided, the items’ stock levels and other important information. Let us know in the comment how generic this is so we can contribute it back to the community for the benefit of others as well.




This is a request by one of our customers, they want to know exactly how many components we have in stock not only to the level of the total stock quantity but also the individual boxes, for which we use the batch doctype. I believe that this is generic and for those of you who do not need that, this could be disabled in the website configuration by removing it from the menu. Any opinions on that?

Is there any update on this?

There is an entry in the User Manual which doesn’t reflect the options available in release 11:

Also, there was a milestone on Github which is closed: Customer Provided Item Milestone · GitHub