Create a new DocType in HR Module

I want to create a new doctype. It should appear in HR. I found only the ways to customize the existing forms. I want to know how can I create a new form , name it as special issues and classify it under Expense Claims.

Thanks in advance.

Steps to create a new doctype are outlined in the manual:

Simply type New Doctype in global search. Next step is to add the fields and give the doctype a structure. Here you can also specify under which module the doctype should appear.

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Also please check below link of webinar on customization for more help.

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but how can i choose the field name from the database.
is there any specific structure for the field names

i just need to create “Message Record” to record every official message between departments in our institute.
i need to create DocType named “Official Messages” under HR module
contain just 5 fields:
To: [employee name]
Position:[employee position]

Text: [message body text]

From:[employee name] who send the message
Position:[employee position]

when i save the new doctype the system give message “employee field repeated”, “position field repeated”
which fields can i chose in my new DocType?

@sameh2 Based on the questions you are asking I think you would benefit from completing the tutorial ; it is really great for understanding the structure of the Frappe and will answer your question more completely than answers on this thread.