Backup and restore on erpnext virtual image

Just moving from erpnext on ubuntu 16.04 to erpnext virtual image running in host OS Windows 10. Since there is no GUI how can I restore my backup that I have on my USB?


backup your current database using bench backup --with-files.
also backup your frappe, erpnext and custom app if any.

after backup push this code to somewhere on bitbucket or github with backup SQL file.

Download ova from this link:

after download create virtual machine from downloaded ova.

After completion of virtual machine installation then remove the frappe, erpnext pre-installed apps and reinstall frappe, erpnext and custom app if any from your backups.

once you reinstall your apps from backup then execute bench restore with your backup sql file and also copy the other public and private files to ./sites/(inside frappe-bench) folder.

bench restore command required your root password which is frappe by default.

After restore you can reload your supervisor services and bench assets.
Now you’re ready to use your system.


@navdeepghai sorry for the late respond, i need to search how to push git since I new about linux and else’s. Generally speaking I think I understand how to restore the backup and What about how to backup? Can i do bench backup-all-site command? And where’s the data store since there is no GUI?

How to backup?
Step 1:
Go to frappe-bench directory(for instance cd ~/frappe-bench).
Step 2:
Execute (bench backup --with-files or bench backup) command.

–with-files :
All the attachments, images will also be copied(store )to ~/frappe-bench/sites//private/backups/ folder.

For Creating, Removing, Commits, Push, Pull refer to below link:

bench backup-all-sites?
Yes! you can execute this command to backup your all the sites.

You can use Virtual Backup Apk for this purpose