Approval Status must be 'Approved' or 'Rejected'

After creating a workflow for expense claim.
When tried the workflow on an expense claim doc, i couldn’t submit it. The error message said"Approval Status must be ‘Approved’ or ‘Rejected’
When i go back to my work flow state to change the draft to Rejected,another system error will say that "You cant Cancel before Submitting"

This is related to Doc Status. pls share a screenshot of your workflow.

Okay sir. I have a problem sending complete snapshot of my workflow because this page said i cant upload more than one picture as a new user.

Though my workflow is quite long,but i have tested it all the way to the last one,but when i want to summit it will give the error message.

This is now the error message

Check if the Rejected state has docstatus = 2 in the states table.

Draft =0

Looks like the rejected state is assigned docstatus =2. Logically, you can’t set a document to cancelled state unless it is submitted. So that transition has to come after document submission.

So what should i do sir?

I think there is a status field in doctype that should be set to approved or rejected

Here the approval status, are you setting it to approved or rejected before submitting?

The approval status is not highlighted for me to choose an option

I went to doc type to change and saw that approval status has:
I change it to only two options,Approved or Rejected but i cant save it after. Its showing error message.

Find snapshot error message

Oh then I am not sure what could be the problem as by default I had this field in the doctype,and I have not really worked on this doctype

Maybe editing the options is creating issue as there will be some code for the “draft” option