Adding fields to sales invoice item grid

Implications? will we still be able to get updates?

So there’s no way to run bench update and stay on develop branch? ok, well noted then.

That’s not what I’m saying. Develop, master, staging, hotfix etc branches have different contents with varying levels of stability. Master is the most stable and recommended for production use. If you switch to develop branch and run bench update, you will get updates from the develop branch but you will have unreleased, possibly buggy features…and you will still be on the develop branch until you switch to another branch. Note that there’s nothing stopping you from running your production setup on the develop branch.

Aha! ok good.

Please can you just help with a small script we can add to the online pos to generate a new invoice on clicking print, so that as the dialog pops up a new invoice awaits after print, with this we can use other solution to bypass the dialog and ensure 1 copy. If you can also tell me where this is managed in the framework, I also may look at it. Thanks

wrong place for the question, pardon me

I’m not familiar with the code for the POS. I think you can check in erpnext/accounts/page/pos though

ok, thanks.


Turned on developer,did the adjustments and turned it off.

Now jjust waiting to redo this when bench update is done.

Not efficient and this should be a basic requirement.